| 1. | Determination of trace element in chinese medicine 治疗冠心病中药的微量元素测定 |
| 2. | Determination of trace elements infrutus lycii 地方性氟中毒对儿童智商的影响 |
| 3. | Determination of trace elements in wedelia chinensis 水质中微量元素含量的测定与分析 |
| 4. | Determination of trace elements in rnsp 藏药七十味珍珠丸中微量元素的测定 |
| 5. | Quick determination of trace elements in herbal decoctions 中药汤剂中微量元素的快速检测 |
| 6. | Determination of trace elements in blood of children with rachitis 佝偻病儿童血微量元素测定 |
| 7. | Foodstuffs - determination of trace elements - pressure digestion 食品.痕量元素测定.加压分解 |
| 8. | Foodstuffs - determination of trace elements - pressure digestion 食品.痕量元素的测定.加压分解 |
| 9. | Determination of trace elements in 8 traditional chinese medicine 八种解表中草药中微量元素的测定 |
| 10. | Determination of trace elements for angelica sinensis by using icp - aes 法测定甘肃当归中的微量元素 |